Nodrog runs ahead of the party to try and catch up with the wizard. He sees the wizard race away around a distance tunnel corner. Nodrog is standing in a tunnel intersection and hears a noise off to his left. Suddenly, a side door burst open and zombies pour out into the passage way. Luckily for Nodrog the party are close on his heels. Another vicious fight breaks out. The zombies are hungry to feed on the party's flesh. The party manages to destroy all of the zombies. They enter the side chamber and notice body size bags wriggling around. The party decides to carry on after the wizard.
As the party are taking a breather after the fight, a shambling mound that has been tracking them advances from the north. Nidal throws the rotting zombies corpses are the shambling mound and this distracts the creature long enough to allow the party to escape down the passage.
While the adventurers have been leveling up and recuperating in the city of Statsberg, they have continued to try and track down Nidal's nemesis Nerak. Rumours have reached them that Nerak has been spotted in the Fishgate area of the city. So the adventurers decided to have some dinner at a local tavern and see if they find out more. They have dinner at the Boar and Hunter tavern and find out from their server that Nerak has indeed been spotted in the area. However, the server can provide no other information. The party decided to visit the Temple of the Light which is across the road from the Boar and Hunter. Temple is newly constructed and contains the tomb of St. Cecilia. A large congregation is present and Sister Sarah is conducting the service. The adventurers are surprised to find that the sarcophagus of St. Cecilia glows with its own light. When they touch the sarcophagus all nature of injuries are healed. The last remnants of Adrahil's werewolf curse and Nidal'...